Microdosing and more specifically, the use of mushrooms, has become more recognized as an important tool in dealing with mental health and improving oneself. While the benefits are clear, it is important to note that microdosing is not for everyone. Do your research and consult your physician before combining or replacing your medication with our products as they can potentially counteract the intended effects of prescribed medication. If you have a family history of mental health problems, such as bipolar, schizophrenia, psychosis, or other mental health problems, speak with your medical professional prior to using our products to see whether these products are suitable for you. In our experience, very few people have adverse reactions to microdosing, but it is important to ensure that our products are right and safe for you. If you are unsure, it is always a good practice to first discuss any proposed changes with your medical professional.
Neogenix Limitless is hands-down THE best mushroom microdosing supplement I’ve ever used. I’ve tried similar products from many other companies, but this is my top choice. One capsule will not make you trip, but it will improve your mood, focus, and energy level like nothing else. To me, that’s the true “magic” of the mushroom. If you are someone struggling with depression or anxiety, this will help you (and it starts working within one hour, unlike many prescription anti-depressants). You’ll become happy and productive, and you will be able to smile again.
Orders arrive promptly. Product is incredible for microdosing for work — complete flow state that lasts for hours, and any anxiety disappears.
Everything moves slowly
Legitimate product and company. One capsule works great for when I’m at work — definitely provides focus and flow, with an anti-anxiety effect. Strongly recommend.
Best mushroom product I’ve ever used. The dosages are accurate and therapeutic. Unlike many ‘mushroom’ products for sale right now, this is the real deal.
Mushrooms helped me quit drinking alcohol completely and I have a much more optimistic, calm mindset in my day-to-day life.